Sunday, 3 July 2011

S.U.M.M.E.R L.O.V.E.L.E.T.T.E.R.S: Headscarves

Headscarves have been IN for a very long time. I really think it is one of those stylish pieces that will be in forever. (You can totally quote me). Some wear it for religious purposes, like some of my beautiful friends and family. Some wear it to make up for a bad hair day, like I do a lot of rimes. Some wear it because it is a form of art or fashion in their part of the world. (Nigerian women, STAND UP. LOL). While, a lot of others wear it because it is a fashion piece. Whatever the reason is for that scarf on your head, you gotta admit that when worn properly, it makes a STATEMENT.

Audrey Hepburn was on of the first women to make a headscarf into a stylish piece. Bless her and her incredible style

 When I was younger, I never quite saw the point of headscarves, infact I hated it. But as I grew older, I saw the beauty in it. It doesn't matter what religion you practise, you gotta admit that some women have made the hijab a very beautiful, elegant and stylish piece.

However, no woman rocks the headpiece like the NIGERIAN WOMAN. Sorry guys, I have to stick to my Nigerian roots on this one. They tie this thing (gele) with so much pride and confidence and that is what makes it totally sexy. I mean, some of these headpieces can block a whole plasma t.v. screen, but they don't care o! 

Now, forget africanity and religion and all those other stuffs that set the human race apart, here are some ways in which this scarf-trend can work for summer.
TIE IT INTO A BOW: this could be to the side or to the centre.

PATTERNS: pick scarves with patterns, could be stripes, florals, polka dots, basically whatever works for you. There is a pattern out there for everyone; the girly girl, the emos and for those who like to look retro like ME & RIHANNA. lol

PICK DIFFERENT  SIZES OF SCARVES: one scarf can create different looks, but it would be advisable to have atleast two different sizes of scarves. The really thin one for a simple look and a big one which offers more flexibility.
Do the AUDREY HEPBURN: basically, it will always be trendy to wear your headscarf like Audrey. Infact, you can add a nice pair of shades to it on a sunny day :)



Okay guys, I hope you enjoyed the scarf trend and I hope you go out to get your scarves. H&M and Forever 21 have really pretty scarves. You should go check 'em out. xo

3 yorum:

  1. woman...u are absolutely brill! ur soo cool :):)

  2. Waoh. I decided to view some old posts.
    Your growth as a Christian is interesting, the difference between your posts then and now is palpable.


I am so glad you're taking the time out to comment. It really does put a smile on my face ♥